Sunday, October 31, 2010

Curriculum Connection: Quiz: Which "Catcher" Character Are You?

As you take this quiz, keep track of your answers. Post a paragraph about whether or not you agree with the result for extra credit!


1. Others would describe you as:
       a) a loner
       b) innocent
       c) a bro
       d) a proper young lady

2. Your pet peeve is:
      a) phonies
      b) people who don't seem to like anything
      c) people who pick fights over nothing
      d) people who talk to loudly and make scenes in public places

3. You really want:
       a) real companionship
       b) a new pair of rollerskates
       c) to win the big game on Friday
       d) to find a man and settle down

4. You miss:
       a) your childhood
       b) your family members who have moved away
       c) your buddies who have graduated
       d) the time when men behaved like gentlemen

5. One of your flaws is:
      a) you alienate yourself
      b) you are not always realistic
      c) you're full of yourself
      d) you're impatient

If you answered mostly As:

You are Holden! You are lonely, but you fear that the world is full of phonies and you alienate yourself. You fear growing up, and you seek connections with other people, but tend to sabotage them. 

If you answered mostly Bs:

You are Phoebe! As Holden's little sister, you are young and inexperienced with the world. People tend to underestimate you and call you innocent, but you are wiser than you appear.

If you answered mostly Cs:

You are Stradlater! As Holden's roommate at Pencey Prep, you enjoy sports, friends, and dates. You are friendly and outgoing, but a little lazy when it comes to things that you don't feel like doing.

If you answered mostly Ds: 

You are Sally! You like to spend time with people, but grow frustrated with they violate social norms. You are kindhearted and want the best for your friends, but you are a little impatient.

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